Original Music
- Dont miss these:
- Heavy Hand
- The Game
- Buena Vista
- Cat House (Cat Box)
- New songs about once per week on average
- Newest Songs:
- Bizarre Bazaar
- Leverage
- Sticks and Stones
- The Qix
- always more on the way
old school homemade rock..
♫ songs listed approximately by order of creation, and not necessarily completion. now albums have names..
♫ all songs are projects and subject to change and may be updated at any time. occasionally i will even rename a song, but not often.
♫ a few songs can be found on my youtube page.
♫ all music production, composition, guitars, bass
drum programming & arrangement, mixing/mastering...
♫ © 2010-2025 Rick Lawrence
108 songs currently online since november 2010
Top 10 Listened:
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